Our Core Values

We are passionate about helping pets & helping people.
We strive to do the right thing.
We dig deep to solve problems.
We roll up our sleeves & git 'er done!
We are a team.

These are our values. We strive to live them every day. We are dedicated to ALL pets and pet parents. Without integrity & reliability, PetHub is nothing. We always try to do the right thing. When we make a mistake, or see something that needs fixing, we do what we can to make it right. So, without hesitation, the PetHub team wants you to know:
We believe in equality, fairness & justice for everyone.
- Black Lives Matter.
- Love Who You Love.
- Marry Who You Want to Marry.
- Children Don't Belong in Cages.
- Breed Specific Legislation is Wrong.
- Pitbulls are Awesome.
- Diversity is Beautiful.
- Science is Real.
- Facts are Facts.
- Climate Change is Real...and Cannot Be Ignored.
- Care for Mother Earth...She's the Only Home We've Got.
Make No Mistake...
There is NO Place for Hate in Our Pack.
Please visit EveryPet Charity to see how PetHub is working towards putting tags on EVERY PET in the United States, because in Every Family, Every Community, Every Pet deserves to stay happy, safe and HOME for the rest of their lives.