(last seen: 07/29/2022)

Missing Cat! Answers To "Izzy"

Name: Izzy

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Breed (primary): Domestic Short Hair

Breed (mixed): Calico/orange tabby

Weight: 10 lb

Microchip ID: 985113002768665

Last seen location

The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Izzy was seen on 07/29/2022

Clayford Street, San Diego, CA 92117 United States

(Date last seen: 07/29/2022)

Physical description / medications / other

<p>Grey, orange and white with green eyes. Right eye needs to be wiped, runs. If she lets you pet her, she is very soft.</p>

Timid. Is bonded with her Kitty brother have been together since birth.

Contact information

When Izzy is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.

<p>Phone: (619)719-1974</p>

PetHub | We get lost pets home fast.