(last seen: 10/18/2022)

Missing Dog! Answers To "Mimi”. Small Yorkie. Wearing a tutu costume when taken.

Name: Mimi

Gender: Female

Species: Dog

Breed (primary): Unknown

Breed (mixed): Yorkshire Terrier / Yorkie

Weight: 0 lb

Rabies tag: L22-115471

Last seen location

The address below is the last known address or cross street of where Mimi was seen on 10/18/2022

13011 Sw 260th Ter, Homestead, FL 33032 United States

(Date last seen: 10/18/2022)

Physical description / medications / other

Has a protruding small bone that sticks out by her ribs thats has been there since I got her, usually felt when you feel around for it. She also has a small ball/abscess/cyst on her stomach area. She had a wart-like structure that can be felt by touching her sides, close to under her front legs. She typically also has an ear infection on her left ear, which is routinely cleaned and checked.

She is a really friendly and cuddly dog. She loves when you pet her. She does not bite. She gets excited around other dogs and usually barks at the big ones.

Contact information

When Mimi is found, please call the PetHub 24x7 "Found Pet Hotline" at +1 (855) 411-0123 or use any additional contact information provided below.

Phone: (786) 886-6052
Phone: (305) 342-4216

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