PetHub Forums (Beta)

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- The PetHub Team

Meet Racheal (Pronounced Ray-Chul). Hey that's me!

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 04/27/2018 - 10:13
Meet Racheal (Pronounced Ray-Chul). Hey that's me!

Who Am I....

I like to think of myself as a good red wine, you'll like me more with time, as I tend to be slow to warm up heart I enjoy the outdoors, exploring with the pups, or playing a great game of ultimate frisbee! If outside is required, I'm in! Especially if water is envolved laugh But..... I also love a good movie binge with snacks as much as the next person.

Where I Came From....

I moved around when I was younger and landed where I am now about the age of 13. I went off to University for a couple years chasing the medical career path after graduating from Comminity College with an AA Degree. Before working at PetHub I worked at a Veternarian Clinic where I found my passion for saving animals. I have always been the type to rescue an animal from a shelter, rather than buying an animal, but working at a clinic showed me how much more I could do for animals. 

Why I Am At PetHub....

I'm here at PetHub because it allows me to save animals on a much larger scale than before. Though I am not actively saving lives through animal medicine, I know that I am making a difference in pet lives around the world. Getting them home safe means a lot to me, and definitely drives me to work harder, and learn as much as I can.

My Part In PetHub....

I am the Customer Care Specialist here at PetHub, I manage customer support (and many other things along the way). I am part of the front lines of getting pet's home! I mostly help get the pet's profiles set up so when they are found, they can be reunited with their families!

I hope your experience with PetHub is puuuurrrrr-fect!


Customer Care Specialist



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