PetHub Found Pet Stories


Found: Sally

New York
Chocolate labrador looking at camera
I was living in Long Island New York when Sally came into my life. I was a volunteer at the North Hempstead Animal Shelter One Saturday a man came in crying and holding a three month puppy in his arms. The dog was a pure bred chocolate lab.that came from a local kennel The man could not keep her even though he had just paid $2,000 for her. I was just going to move to Wyoming in 2 weeks. I always wanted a chocolate lab. Everyone at the shelter told me to adopt her and bring her to Wyoming. The puppys real name on her AKC papers was Dakota. How could I bring a dog to Wyoming named Dakota? So I changed her name to Sally in memory of my mom who had recently passed away and that’s how our love affair began.
Sally and I were inseparable. My husband and I were training Sally to be my service dog. She learned her lessons very quickly. One day on Memorial day weekend we had Sally in the park for the day. Sally was sleeping when someone set off firecrackers. Somehow these strange noises frightened Sally and she bolted off. We could not find her anywhere. Sally was only 8 months old and I was so frightened. We searched everywhere. There was no Sally to be found.
We came back to the park for 6 days looking for Sally. On the 7th day we saw a man and his son in a boat. And told him about Sally. We asked them to keep an eye out for her. The man left and paddled out into the marshes. They heard a faint crying sound and called out Sally's name. Sally was stuck in the mud. The more she struggled the deeper she went into the mud. The man rowed into the marsh and rescued Sally. They pulled her into the boat. Sally was weak and tired.
We were notified because Sally had her PetHub tab. We rushed her to the local vet for emergency medical treatment. It was the best day of my life. I had my beloved Sally back. Today Sally serves as my personal service dog as well as a Therapy Dog for the community of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Everyone is so thankful to PetHub for bringing our miracle back to us.



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